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Austin Peil

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  1. Power is mostly gained through fear.  


Ellas Brain Dump

Fear is the most effective way to control people and the best way to obtain power. Like Hitler, Ceaser, Kim Jong Un, and a bunch of other people. But when people rule through fear, there are more problems that occur then problems being solved like for Julius Caesar. He ruled with fear and killed thousands of people and he ended up murdered. People are more willing to try and take out the person ruling through fear because they feel like they can do whatever they like and never suffer from conquenises like Hitler. He felt like he could do whatever he liked and kill over a million people and when the US got involved he killed himself because he lost all the power he had.                 


Gabby’s Brain Dump

When power is obtained through fear, it causes people to keep quiet about what they really think about certain topics. Fear makes it easier to rule over people because respect is harder to earn rather than to control people with fear.


Austin’s BrainSTORM!


To gain power you need a group of people. You need to have something that the other do not have or want. Like the president, he has the power of creating rules to make the united states safe. People want to be safe so they look up to someone to make it happen. If you have you have people working for you then you also have power. They want something which is money and you give that to them in exchange of work.



  • How fear is so effective to gain power  

    • Start of with telling examples of dictators:Kim Jong Un, Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

    • Fear is the most effective way to control people and the best way to obtain power.

  • Talk about Hitler  

    • One of the most famous dictator of all time

    • Killed Millions how people and ruled with fear  

    • Say one of his most famous sayings “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed”

  • Kim Jong Un

    • Ruthless Dictator,

    • Has fake stores

    • He turns off all power at night expect his place that he lives in

    • Many homeless and sick people

    • No freedom of Speech

    • Political Prison camps meant to hold people who didn’t do any crimes,

    • Say something like “ He controls everything and everyone by fear, fear of being killed, fear of acting the wrong way and getting sent to prison, fear of getting sick and not having an hospital to go to, fear of watching or getting publicly executed.

  • Joseph Stalin

    • Used coercion to expel Soviet Union party members

    • That lead to Stalin eliminating all possible resistance against his leadership

    • Became the unchallenged leader

    • Terrorized the whole country with mass arrests and executions

    • Millions of innocent citizens were sent to labor camps or killed in prison

    • There was no longer crime cause everyone feared Stalin

  • Conclusion

    • Overall, fear is a very effective way to earn power

    • Fear makes it easier to rule over people because respect is harder to earn rather than to control people with fear.

    • Recap about the dictators

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